Ex-offender has Misdemeanor and needs a Job
I'm a Marine Veteran, who served stateside and abroad and also served in Somalia during combat operations. Moreover, I have a Bachelor of Science degree, which I received in '01.
I've been unemployed since February 18, 2010 and need help getting in touch with companies that will hire someone like me, as several have disqualified me...
In the past I've gotten help through CT Dol. However, their aide wasn't useful - they have no job fairs or actual aide for people in my situation. Not to mention, this State isn't very forgiving! I've always wanted to be in law enforcement or the fire services. I'm not sure if any of the P.D.'s or F.D's will overlook this. Reading, on-line, I noticed that Laredo, TX will accept applicants with misdemeanor A violations after 10 years. Do you know of any that will hire me with 7 years or less? Are there any areas with more offenders that lower their hiring standards because of more offenders in the area?
My second choice for employment is in the area of sales, as I enjoy it and have experience in it. I prefer outside sales, but won't exclude inside sales.
I've paid my debt to society and I'm still being put down for it. In '06 I was turned down for several white collar positions - I actually got hired to AT&T in yellow page sales. I was honest about my arrest, though was asked not to show up for my first day of training. The HR manager said that I had a felony, which I don't. It's listed on my conviction record, but shown that it's reduced.
Do you know of any companies that will overlook this. I'm tired of working crappy blue collar jobs. Moreover, my body can't take the constant abuse anymore.
Thank you for your anticipated help!
Ex-offender has Misdemeanor and needs a Job

As far as a job in police or fire services, you should contact the fire and police officials in your municipality and inquire if your misdemeanor conviction would prohibit your employment. If it would not, a call to your councilperson for some advice wouldn't hurt. Bear in mind, if you are a candidate for expungement, the conviction will always be visible to the court system, law enforcement and any government agency.
I often refer ex-offenders and felons to the local United Way. The United Way supports agencies that aid ex-offenders and felons in a variety of ways. You are also a veteran which is a plus. The Veteran's Administration offers job search assistance for veterans looking for jobs. Hello John,
Unfortunately there is no simple solution for your situation. Firstly I would get a copy of your criminal record to be certain that your conviction indeed comes up as a misdemeanor. You can find the contact information for your state's repository of criminal records here:
Since your conviction is a misdemeanor, you a good candidate for expungement in the state if Connecticut. You can get more information as well as the forms and instructions in the link below:
In general, as I always suggest to ex-offenders and felons. apply for every job you feel you are qualified for. Never assume you will be turned down for a job because you have a record
I hope this helps.
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record
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